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Cala Luna Restaurant



Please join us for the first ever Tweet Up in Fuengirola.

"Mmmm, thanks, Steve but what's a tweet-up, I hear you say!"

It's simply a very relaxed gathering of English-language speakers who are on or are interested in twitter. You don't have to be "an expert" or have 50,000 followers. You just need to have some interest in the phenomenon and be prepared to enjoy yourself in the company of like-minded people.

There is ZERO cost to attend - that's an underlying principle.

Everything is totally informal and it's a great opportunity to meet all your friends and followers on twitter. If you are not sure what twitter is please also feel free to come along and there will be many people here happy to assist.

Everybody is welcome and whether you are a tourist, resident, semi-resident or can't decide, you will be made most welcome. Any ideas for the event are always gratefully received.

We'll meet at 7pm on October 22 2012 at the Cala Luna Restaurant in Fuengirola.
(Lots of free parking - special drinks prices from 7-8 and 10-11pm!)

PLEASE do RT this invite and add it on your FB and other local sites.

Finally, I'd like to thank Nikki and her team at TweetUp Marbella for her help and advice. I hope many of you will attend their great events in Marbella also. Shout if you want an invite to the next one there.

Kind Regards

